Aspiring Writer – The Frustration!
Writing is hard work! And sometimes, as we try to find those just-right words or that other element to take us to where we know we’ve nailed it, frustration builds up. An awful place to be.
So here we are, continuing the aspiring writer’s journey to publication–mine actually–but not so different from many others. I’m told that even well-published writers working on a new project wrestle with it.
The Frustration
I slumped at my desk and closed my eyes in an effort to trap the tears that threatened to escape. “I’m ready to give up, Lord! I’ve worked on this manuscript and worked on it some more. It’s just not getting anywhere.”
“I’m weary of the battle, Lord. I don’t think I’ll ever finish.” Tears traced wet paths down my face.
I palmed them away. “Please, Lord, if you have any advice to share, I could use it right now.”
Commit your work to the Lord, and then your plans will succeed.*
What? Surely God knew I had dedicated all my writing to him from the very beginning.
Commit your work to the Lord, and then your plans will succeed.*
Obviously I was missing something behind those twelve short and loving words. Something important.
Several hours later, I pushed my concordances, commentaries, and dictionaries aside and picked up what I had distilled from them. I stared at the pages. So that was the problem.
Committing my work to the Lord was more than offering a quick prayer before I barreled ahead with my writing plan. It was spreading everything before the Lord each morning — my manuscript, plans, deadline schedules — and most of all, myself. It was sharing my difficulties and delights with him, whether writing and otherwise. It was praying, “Lord, here am I. Use me. What do you want me to accomplish today?”
I bowed my head to do that very thing.
Before long I saw significant progress in the novel’s development. Excitement about the project returned! I couldn’t wait to get to my desk each morning and boot up the computer.
How glad I am the Lord shared this valuable insight: Being a Christian writer isn’t a simple matter of being a Christian and writing. It’s being a Christian who lays her writing gift at the feet of the Lord and obeys him. As I look back, every one of my published manuscripts was a fruit of God’s plan, not mine. Painful as all the years of struggle have been, I’m grateful that God continues to preserve that precious pattern.
* Proverbs 16:3 (NLT)
Dear Reader, this piece has been a long time coming, and now you know why. Until next time . . . look to the Lord. He will help you overcome your frustrations!
~ Beth
Copyright 2005 Beth Ann Ziarnik
PLEASE JOIN THE CONVERSATION: We all have frustrations. How has God helped you overcome yours?
The Conversation
Thanks for sharing, Beth Ann. I needed to hear this as I have been in a slump lately. I can see now where I have not continued to ask God for direction. This was a great reminder.
So glad you found this helpful, Sheryl, and thank you for letting me know. As you can see, I wrote “The Frustration” some years ago. The interesting thing is God sometimes uses our own writing to help us. Like you, I’m struggling with my own writing right now and found this piece helpful, too! May God bless your writing.
Good topic! I think this is THE struggle all writers of faith have and thank you for the keen insight into what makes a Christian writer perservere!
I agree, TLC, and you’re welcome. I’m glad you found value in this post. And I like your expression, “writers of faith.” Well put!