Broken Ankles: Pain & Gain
Dear Friends, in case you were wondering … After breaking both ankles in mid-September, I could do little for quite a while. But as of Monday — yea! — I’m well again. And deeply grateful to the Lord and the long list of kind people who made recovery possible.
So, what did I learn from this experience? (We are told that we learn from every experience, right?)
- Walking on broken ankles, even with the aid of therapy boots and a walker, is painful! But then, pain often interrupts our everyday lives. It’s what we do with it that makes the difference.
- God walks with us through those painful parts of our lives. And, if we let him, he provides others who are willing to help. Like the neighbor who abandoned a big football game on TV to take me to the hospital. Hospital and rehab center staff who were positive angels of compassionate care during those first two weeks. Church family and friends who rushed to visit and pray. And brought gifts and
cards to cheer me. Family and friends who equipped my house for safety before I went home to finish recovering. Friends who stayed with me around the clock for two days until my sister-in-law could fly in from Florida to care for me for three weeks. Other out-of-state family who surprised me by visiting in person for a few days. I could go on, but you get the picture.
- We may lose a lot, but we gain even more. I had to cancel attendance at a major writing conference in Nashville, a multi-author book signing sponsored by a Christian bookstore, and a major speaking engagement. Surprise! … I learned from nurses and therapists that my body drained energy from the rest of it to invest in healing my ankle bones. No wonder I felt tired and foggy much of the time! But through it all, I learned I could persist and work toward wholeness with God’s help and the help of others.
- Though it seems impossible, the pain eventually comes to an end. It may
take days, months, years. I know. Less than two weeks into rehab, I wept, fearful the pain might never end. That I might never recover. But the old adage is true: “This, too, shall pass.” At the right time and in the right way as we lean on the Lord.
Whatever you are going through, you are not alone. The Lord is with you, and he cares. With his help, determine to keep inching toward wholeness. Lean on him and wait for his right timing for your pain to end. It will come to pass! Every time.
The Conversation
Beth, you have been through so much this year. What a blessing to now feel well and to share encouragement with others. You are amazing. God bless you.
Hi Becky! So good to hear from you as always. Yes, healing is always a blessing, and I’m so glad you found this post encouraging. Thank yu for letting me know, and have a wonderful Christmas with your family.
WOW! Great job having a tender and teachable heart so the Lord could instruct you and raise you up.
Hi Heather! Thank you for your kind words. The truth is I struggled this year to come to that place. But the Lord is always faithful. He never leaves or abandons us. He never quits helping us to come to that better place he has in mind for us. Have a beautiful Christmas with family and friends … and especially with the Lord!
Glad you wrestled it out with Him. Those hard earned truths are beautiful and awful all at the same time
Oh my Beth! So thankful for All who helped you in person and those who Prayed for you.
You are so right, Denise. Many helped and prayed, and I will never forget the loving care each contributed, including my dear sister-in-law, Carol, who is also one of my closest friends. As soon as she told my brother Ron what happened, he said, “You’re going to help her, aren’t you?” The very thing she had on her heart to do. And now you extend kind thoughts, too. Bless you, and have a most beautiful Christmas!