Diet No More STEP 5: Escape Temptation
by Beth Ann Ziarnik @bethannziarnik
Escape temptation? It’s a sad fact of life. As long as we live on this earth, we’ll need to kill those insistent urges to return to our habit of eating more than we need. But–yay!–another fact is just as true. God hasn’t left us helpless. He is ever our Champion! He’ll arm us with winning weapons to overcome those cravings.
Here are a few:

Three Winning Weapons
Pray for God’s enablement to honor him with your body (the one you gave to him in Step 2). Back to Step 5, our pray-and-obey strategy (remember, I’m in this, too). Our trust-in-God plan. But this step does require sincere and heartfelt prayer to escape temptation. Ask yourself: “Do I really want to honor God with my body? Do I really want his enablement?” If so, tell God and ask for his help to stand firm in your declarations.
Feast on God’s Word. Its truth washes not only Satan’s–but the world’s–lies from our hearts. When spoken, biblical truth cuts those lies to ribbons. So, the moment you’re tempted, speak God’s truth out loud. In Ephesians 6:17, God calls his Word a sword. In biblical times, a soldier kept his double-edged sword sharp. How’s that for an effective weapon?
Firmly resolve not to eat between meals. Unless God indicates otherwise, snacks between meals are no longer on the day’s menu. Remind yourself, “I no longer eat snacks!”
Three More Winning Weapons
Block every thought of eating between meals. The moment the temptation begins to form, cut it off with a resounding “No!” Turn your back on the temptation, and quickly do something else.
Refuse to get up from your chair or bed, or to leave some activity to get your hands on that between-meals snack. As long as you refuse to go into the kitchen or even think about that snack, you’ll remain safe. Continue to escape temptation one day at a time, one meal at a time, one snack attack at a time.
Decline offered snacks. When offered a snack by anyone—even a well-meaning friend or family member—smile and politely but firmly say, “No thank you.” If the person persists, smile and say, “No, thank you, I’m fine.” Then, having won that battle with temptation, refuse to feel deprived while others enjoy that snack. Refuse to feel guilty, believing you’ve been ungracious or that you’ve hurt the person’s feelings. Instead, thank God for the grace Holy Spirit gave you to escape temptation. Then rejoice in the peace and freedom you’ve gained by obeying The Lord.
A Final Winning Weapon
Praise and thank God throughout your day. He has helped you to obey him—one more moment, one more meal, one more day. Also, be careful to take no credit for each success. Give God the glory as once again you escape temptation.
It’s no secret. The world rejoices in food, delights in it, and finds comfort in it. Though God wants us to enjoy our food, he also wants us to rejoice in him, to delight in him, to find our comfort in him. Not food.
So, there you have it–seven winning weapons that really do work. Wield them to escape temptation in Jesus name!
A Brief Story
In the past, these winning weapons really worked for me. But I confess, the hardest was refusing the snacks. I recall one New Year’s weekend (my last with my husband Jim). On this special occasion, my precious mother-in-law, my sister-in-law, two brothers-in-law, Jim and I gathered at Mom’s house in Manitowoc.
Mom had gone all out to make our favorite goodies. When she came from the kitchen with her lovely tray of assorted snacks, she stopped first by me, bent so that I could see the tempting display, and smiled.
I smiled, too. “They look delicious, Mom, but no, thank you.”
“Oh, one won’t hurt you,” she assured me.
I smiled again and repeated, “No, thank you. I’m fine.”
“All right,” Mom said, and moved on to serve her daughter who took several on a small plate while she wondered out loud what was the matter with me.
Not a problem. I knew both Jim and God were proud of me. God had, after all, helped me lose almost thirty pounds in three months as I put his winning weapons to good use.
Did I worry about being hurting Mom’s feelings? The thought occurred to me, but then I remembered Mom loved me and was confident of my love for her. I knew she trusted me to choose what was best for me and accepted my decision with a gracious heart.
The best part? I achieved another success! Another opportunity to thank God for his grace to escape temptation. Another opportunity to enjoy the peace and freedom of obeying him.
So worth it.
What’s Next
I hope you’re inspired, that you see the value in these seven winning weapons and will decide to put them to good use. I know I’ll be working hard on becoming consistent in using them. Next week, I’ll share scriptures that lend support to these winning weapons. See you then!
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The Conversation
A long time ago, someone told me, “Some people eat to live, and some live to eat.” That really determines a weight victory or weight problem.
There a certain truth to that statement, Lois. It’s also true that some people can reach their healthy body weight through sheer, unwavering determination. But, in this blog series, I’m sharing what worked for me in the past. What I know through personal experience brings victory without the stress of diet programs and rules. It’s a victory that blossoms into peace and freedom from the Lord, our Helper.