Safely Secure
So, are you done with overeating and eager to stay safely secure? I am! Thank you, Lord, that we find safety in your Word! But where do we start?

First . . .
Keep Watch
“Keep your eyes open for spiritual danger; stand true to the Lord” 1 Corinthians 16:13 (TLB). Don’t let that snake Satan take up residence in your garden of God-given peace and freedom. Refuse his wicked temptations, especially the ones that beguile us to judge others now that we are free.
Galatians 5:1 (NLT) tells us, “Make sure that you stay free, and don’t get tied up again in slavery.” With the Lord’s help, we broke free from slavery to gluttony. Only with his help will we stay safely secure in our freedom. Let’s say it together, “Only with God’s help!”
Next, we . . .
Trust God
Yes, trust God, especially when a crisis hits. After all, he says “[his] Word is a lamp unto [our] feet and a light to [our] path” (Psalm 119:105 KJV). What better to guide us through a crisis? Food sure won’t guide us where God and we want to go.
Here’s another precious thought. “Just as you trusted Christ to save you, trust him, too, for each day’s problems; live in vital union with him” (Colossians 2:6 TLB). When that temptation or crisis hits, look to God to help you remain safely secure in your freedom. Thrust into those situations, we can choose to trust him as much as we did when we trusted him to save us from our sins. God will help us with each day’s problems, if only we turn to him—not food– for help.
As Galatians 5:25 advises, if we are living by the Holy Spirit’s power, let’s follow his leading in every part of our lives, including staying safely secure from overeating. God-honoring eaters (that’s us) remain safely secure by living in the power of the Holy Spirit. By following his lead in every part of their lives. Let’s cry out, “Holy Spirit, help us!
Finally, we add our determination to . . .
Choose Freedom
What do you think of this warning, directly from Scripture? “Do not destroy the work of God for the sake of food” (Romans 14:19-20 NIV). In his Word, God covers every challenge we might face, doesn’t he? And he tells the bald-faced truth. It’s destructive to choose eating more food than we need rather than resting in God’s peace and freedom from overeating. God wants us to enjoy our food, but not to the point where we make it more important than loving and obeying him.
Are we willing? Then the Holy Spirit will teach what is uniquely best for each of us. But then, it’s up to us to maintain what he teaches. It’s up to us to refuse to let our happy trust in him slip away. God never tells us to do anything that we can’t do with his help. No matter how powerful the temptation or bad the crisis, we can choose to keep our happy trust in the Lord alive. It all comes down to choosing.
What Next
So there is a way to stay safely secure in our peace and freedom from overeating—keep watch, trust God, and choose freedom. Hope you found this support of Step 6 helpful. We’ve come a long way, but we’re not finished yet. Next time we’ll tackle Step 7: Restoration. See you then!
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The Conversation
Thanks, Beth, for this wise advice. Jennifer and I are in a Christian Overeaters Anonymous group for just that purpose. We are doing the 12 Steps and learning to give things over to God.
God’s Word always has the best advice, doesn’t it, Laura? Thank you for letting me know that this post was helpful to you. And best wishes to you and Jennifer as you work through the 12 steps with your Christian Overeaters Anonymous group. Giving things over to God is always a good choice. Bless you!