Memorial Day: Let’s Not Forget!
In honor of Memorial Day, I wore this red, white, and blue necklace. My sister Shelly made it for Mom, wife of a WWII vet. Among Mom’s belongings when she died, the necklace might not have seemed important, but to me it symbolized her love for our country.
Growing up in her house, I learned to be proud of our country, love its flag, and honor those who served and fought for our freedom. Even today, the moment our national anthem starts, I can’t help but stand — at home alone or in a crowd — to sing along with my hand over my heart. A heart that almost bursts with pride for our United States of America — our land of the free and home of the brave..
So many memories spring to life on Memorial Day!
- Family who sacrificed to serve in the U.S. Armed Forces — Dad and Jim’s dad (WWII, Army), Uncle Lee (WWII, Marines) Uncles Hank and Ed (Korean Conflict, Army) brother-in-law Larry (Vietnam, Army), and my son Rick (Navy).
- Involvement in the American Legion Post in Kaukauna. Dad served a year as Commander, Mom as leader of the Legion Auxillary, and I as leader of the Junior Legion Auxillary.
- Memorial Day meant Dad leaving early to blow TAPS at each cemetery as flags were placed on the graves of deceased vets. Later when the parade paused on the Lawe Street Bridge and the memorial wreath was cast into the Fox River, he played TAPS again. A solemn and beautiful moment in time.
- One year I served as a poppy princess. Another year, as a teen, read “In Flanders
Field” to the townspeople who gathered on the lawn of the VFW Hall for formal speeches.
- The many years that my husband Jim and I took time to honor our country and its vets. Most times we joined the crowd outside the Social Services building, and every time the U.S. flag passed by, we’d place our hands over our hearts and stand at attention.
What fond memories spring to life for you on Memorial Day?
The Conversation
My mother’s dad was too young for WW 1 and to old for WW 2. I don’t think my dad served. I don’t remember any reference to that. My Uncle Hank served during the Korean war. I don’t know if he went there or not. Maybe cousin Lee would know. I’ve seen a lot of his Army pictures. I wonder what happened to them.
I guess my family was not real busy in the military. All my dad’s siblings were dead before I was born. Most of them died in child illnesses. One of them died in a logging accident. He was married, but died before his son was born, my only cousin from that side of the family. He had 6 half sisters and 1 half brother after aunt Orma married again. They were like sisters to me and Lorraine.
Lyle died in a gun related accident / or by someone else, on purpose. He and Lorraine were best friends.
I baby sat his 3 sons, Tim, Tom and Todd. I don’t know where they are, or where their mother lives.
Jim was in the Army during the Vietnam era and his brother Larry was in the Air Force.
Lois Ann Wiederhoeft
I remember your telling of being a newly married bride while Jim was in Army, Lois. What an adventure that must have been, leaving family behind to follow your new husband to California. Thank you for sharing.