Does God Really Love Me?
The short answer is, “Yes!” But if you’ve ever wondered, “Does God really love me?” Or “How do I know God loves me?” Then my new blog series is for you.

Welcome to an exploration of the truth about God’s love. We’ll look at what his Word has to say, true life experiences, and proofs from accounts in the Bible.
Each post will include a fascinating story, an application for use in your life, and a related scripture you can hang onto with both hands. You’ll come away with a precious nugget about love that you may not have considered before. Most important, you’ll gain a greater understanding of God’s immeasurable love for you.
True Story
Back when I was—ahem—much younger, I ran across an interesting question in a favorite magazine. The columnist asked readers to send her their definitions of love. She would publish the best ones in a future column. I gave it a try . . . and failed.
When that future issue came out, I went straight to the column with bated breath. My shoulders slumped.
Others told stories about love in action, proving they knew it when they saw it, but they couldn’t define it. The columnist remarked that maybe no one could.
She was wrong.
A few years later, when I began reading in my Bible, I stumbled across God’s definition of love. There it was in all its glory. First Corinthians 13:4-8 listed its sixteen characteristics. I could hardly believe my eyes.
My Reaction
Excited, I grabbed my Strong’s Concordance and dove into finding every scripture related to each of those characteristics.

Each had a number, along with a definition and other words in the Bible that had the same number. I collected every verse for each characteristic.
A big job? Oh, yeah, but so worth it. I grew in greater understanding of both the meaning and the fascinating scope of true love.
Not yet content, I dug deeper and added what I found in W.E. Vine’s An Expository Dictionary of New Testament Words. Then, as a last step, I looked up each characteristic in Webster’s Ninth New Collegiate Dictionary and pulled out the definitions that related.
I get it. You might never want to go through all that work. And even if you did, you might not have the time.
Application for You
Good news! You don’t have to.
In this blog series, “Does God Really Love Me,” I’ve done all the work for you. All you have to do is come along for the ride. Come along and discover the depth, breadth, and height of the love the Lord God Almighty, Creator of the Universe, has for you. Yes, you.
Finally, you’ll know for certain that you are loved . . . as you’ve always wanted to be loved.
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