Help! I need more than a set of great strategies to gain the victory over my miserable habit of eating too much. Who will help me? Help me when I’m really tempted to abandon these strategies just this one time, just this one meal? Help me when a favorite snack keeps calling my name, beguiling me?
I know who, and so do you. It’s no secret that what we need is to . . .

“The horse [powerful eating plan] is made ready for the day of battle [with gluttony], but victory rests with the Lord.” ~ Proverbs 21:31, NIV.
Did you catch that? The “victory rests with the Lord.” Without his help, we’re left to our own stressful devices, straining to eat just right and follow all the “rules.” But with his help, I have peace and rest. And so do you. Holy Spirit not only guides us, but witnesses in our hearts that we are on the right track.
The truth is, even with Step Four’s excellent ten-strategy plan, only God can give the victory—lasting victory—over the sinful habit of eating too much. That means our best course of action is to “Look to the Lord and his strength [to overcome gluttony]; seek his face always.” ~ Psalm 105:4, NIV. Yes, seek him always.
And that brings us to our need to . . .
Pray that you will not fall into temptation [to eat in rebellion to God’s guidance]. ~ Luke 22:40, NIV. Why do we insist on being so much like children—always wanting our own way, our own plan? Thank God for his instruction to pray so that we will not fall into the temptation to eat without self-control.
For me, that happens most often when I’m anxious. But God has an answer for that when we stop and take time to seek him instead. “When anxiety was great within me [thinking I could not overcome this sin of gluttony], your consolation brought joy to my soul.” Psalm 94:19, NIV.
Which brings us to another issue. Our need to . . .
Let’s be honest. We choose one of two ways when we listen: (1) hearing the words while paying little attention, or (2) honing in to understand with a commitment to applying whatever useful nuggets we hear.
It’s the honing in that makes the difference, and God agrees. He dropped the following bit of wisdom in Solomon’s heart. He inspired the king to write it down and include it in what today we call The Holy Bible.
“Whoever gives heed to instruction [about God-honoring eating] prospers, and blessed is [she] who trusts in the Lord [not in this or any other eating plan or program].” ~ Proverbs 16:20, NIV. Yes, we need to give heed—to listen—to instruction and trust in God, not a diet plan.
Because “the corrections of discipline [about God-honoring eating] are the way of life.” ~ Proverbs 6:23, NIV. A good life is built on God’s instruction found in his Word and the inspiration of the Holy Spirit. You know his little check in your spirit that lets you know when you are about to make a poor decision. Heed it and you will have life, but gain the victory by making right choices.
We will be blessed. “Now then, (your name), listen to me; blessed are those who keep my ways [of God-honoring eating]. Listen to my instruction and be wise; do not ignore it.” ~ Proverbs 8:32-33, NIV. Could God make it any more plain? When we listen to his instruction, we are not only blessed but wise. Now that’s something to smile about.
A Brief Story
If we children accidentally broke a trinket in her house, she’d say, “Ack, don’t worry. Grandpa will fix it.” And he did.
When she wanted to teach us how to handle money, she either gave us or paid us a dime or a quarter for doing a little chore. Then she would take an empty peanut butter jar, one she had cleaned and saved, and drive a heavy knife through the lid to make a bank and have us drop the coin in it. It was fun seeing those coins add up over the weekend. Often I had enough to buy a little something to give my mother when I went home.
God used Grandma to teach me the beauty of wisdom. By the time I was a teen, I longed to wise.
Today I know the source of her wisdom—knowing and listening to God.
I hope you find these scriptures that support Step 4 helpful as you work to gain the victory. Next week is Step 5 with seven powerful and practical tips on escaping temptation. See you then!
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The Conversation
Great tips, Beth. We need to pray not to fall into temptation, turn to Jesus for meeting the needs of our heart rather than food, and follow God’s plan for us.
I totally agree, Ruth. Thanks for weighing in (pun intended) on this topic. Have a great day!
I am a member of Overeaters Anonymous a Christian group. We follow the 12 steps as found in AA Big Book. It is all about listening to what God want us to eat and turning to Him instead of food when we have problems. I have a food plan I follow. Food calls my name but I hold onto Him instead.
Good for you, Laura! Overeaters Anonymous is a great group. And, yes, listening to God and turning to him instead of food when we have problems makes a huge difference. Holding onto Him when food calls your name works! Thanks for sharing!
Seems to me that these tips are not limited to overeating, but apply to whatever particular problem with which a person struggles. Good advice.
That’s true, Chris. Thanks for sharing that observation. Bless you!