God’s Incredible Love
I awoke this morning, my heart bursting with thanksgiving for God’s incredible love and caring.

The Question
How can I do that when my life as a widow challenges me every day? When my heart aches for those I love who struggle with pain in their hearts over situations that don’t have ready solutions? Like my autistic grandson whom I would dearly love the Lord to heal, at least enough so that he could communicate with words. Or friends who battle cancer and its debilitating pain, endure tricky heart surgery and its aftermath, struggle with excruciating pain from car accidents or necessary surgeries.
How can I say that when we live in a world embroiled with war overseas? And in crisis here in our own dear United States of America where chaos erupts in our streets and outbursts of destructive weather and other natural disasters attack. Where God and his values are no longer honored near as much as they had in the past.
The Answer
I can because I put my trust in God’s Word that says, “How great is the love the Father has lavished on us, that we should be called the children of God” (1 John 3:1, New International Version).
Do you see that word lavished? It speaks of great abundance. Even in the middle of our troubling problems, even in those times when we don’t feel loved or loveable, God pours his incredible love out on us. We are precious to him.
In “Does God Really Love Me?, I introduced this new series about God’s love. In this second post, I assured you through God’s Word that he truly loves you. In future posts, we’ll examine the many facets of God’s incredible love for us. We will see evidence of his love outpoured again and again. And we will start with his extraordinary patience with us, his most loved but imperfect children. See you then, and God bless you!
The Conversation
It’s like God told the apostle Paul, “My grace is sufficient for thee.”
Lavished— I like that. God lavishes His love on me. That is such a snuggly feeling. And I need to remember it when difficulties arise—God is still lavishing His love toward me even when all I can see is pain or trouble.