Reader Power … Use It!
You have power! Every time you tell others about a book you just read, you exercise POWER. You just helped another reader discover that amazing book you read. Yes! Your opinion counts!
Okay … enough of the exclamation marks. But I wanted you to know how truly important your comments are on Facebook, Amazon, Goodreads, and Twitter.
Just little ol’ you? Absolutely!
85% of readers searching the Internet trust online recommendations. That means readers count on you to tell them what you thought of that last book you read.

That’s POWER!
Here’s the secret to using your power. Now stay with me here because I’m about to say something scary: Write a review. Doesn’t that just bring back those awful memories of writing and reciting book reviews in school? But I promise you … it’s much easier to write an online review.
All you do is jot down a few words telling what you honestly thought of the book.
Like this recent reader comment about Her Deadly Inheritance: “WOW! Great Read! The suspense, romance, mystery, and the call to trust God were all there. I stuck to the story like glue…”
Or this recent reader comment about Her Deadly Reunion: “Thrilling & Heartwarming! A very intriguing and heartwarming story filled with God’s love, forgiveness & grace. I couldn’t wait to return to it each time I put the book down!”
Yup! That’s all there is to it.
And …
The reader searching for a next great book or new author will thank you. The author will thank you. The publisher will thank you. Your book club will thank you. Talk about being popular, right?
Ready to get started? Join me over at Amazon books or Goodreads to write a review.
This month I’ve written a review about DiAnn Mills Burden of Proof and am about to write reviews for The Texas Rancher’s Return by Allie Pleiter and The Rancher’s Homecoming by Arlene James. As soon as I finish reading Rescue Me by Susan May Warren, I’ll pop over to write another brief review.
It’s easy and fun! So come along. Jump in and be a blessing.
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