Wounds In the Storms of Life
I loved the graceful, old maple tree that stood in our back yard. Its green leaves like layers of lace would rise and fall majestically in a mild October wind. Restless, they knew their time was sh
A Changed Life
Imagine a twelve-year-old becoming absolute ruler of a nation. His every command would be law–a situation that might cause a few problems. And it did. Here’s the story. After ruling Jud
Please Press the Prayer Button
I was so sick when I arrived at the doctor’s office that he sent me straight to the hospital. After a nurse settled me in bed, she showed me how to summon help. “Just push this button,&
Satisfied with Life?
What if God invited you to ask him for whatever you want and he would give it to you? What would you say? Young King Solomon of Israel knew what to say. He asked for wisdom to govern. This pleased