A Joke on Me!
“You called me to write, Lord, but nobody wants my stuff. I guess I’m just not good enough.” I pushed my manuscripts aside and grabbed my car keys. Maybe hanging around the Christian Book Nook for a while would cheer me up.
Unfortunately, my downcast mood followed me. In the store, I drifted wistfully past the novels and began picking half-heartedly through the devotional books. One pierced my blue funk with a spark of interest. I read the first devotional, sampled one in the middle, and turned to the end of the book. The last piece quickly pulled me in. I devoured it.

“Wow, Lord, if only I could write as well as this author, I’d really be getting somewhere!”
I flipped back a page to the byline. Really? I began to chuckle. The joke was on me. I had been admiring my own piece!
Yes, I still have a lot to learn. Writing and marketing manuscripts isn’t easy. But these days when I’m tempted to feel depressed about my progress, I remember how God once encouraged me with—of all things—my own writing.
After all, if the God who called us to write believes in us, who are we to doubt?
The Conversation
Quit hiding that God given writing potential!!! So glad you found that devotion.
Thanks, Lois. I truly did encourage me, and I hope others were encouraged, too.